Our Employee Newsletter will help solve your staff retention challenges.

Putting your Staff first.
The right approach to achieve results.
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Recruiting and retaining quality direct care staff has long been a challenge in nursing homes, and these problems have only been amplified by the pandemic.
The first key to retaining quality staff in any workplace, including a nursing home, is to create a culture that employees enjoy working in. Working in a nursing home can be hard. Staff must tend to residents’ medical needs as well as their emotional and personal issues, too. There’s a reason why burnout is so common among professionals in this field.
The key to reducing turnover is making staff feel Valued, Appreciated and Respected. By addressing these core issues in a simple but direct form, our Employee Specific Newsletter can significantly help reduces turnover while simultaneously improving Quality Outcomes and improving Bottom Line Results.
Our Employee Specific Newsletter creates a positive, encouraging environment where staff’s contributions are appreciated and recognized. Making employees feel valued is the best way to minimize unnecessary turnover.
An engaged staff is more involved, enthusiastic, and committed to their work than an disengaged staff. They believe the work they’re doing is important and that they’re vital contributors to the organization’s success. They’re more supportive of the organizational vision, mission, and strategic goals; speak positively about the company; and support colleagues and other healthcare team members. Conversely, disengaged employees lack energy and passion for their work, often act out their unhappiness, and in some cases, may undermine other employees’ accomplishments.
Our Employee Specific Newsletter helps increase staff engagement which leads to greater productivity, a heightened commitment to the organization, and improved patient care and quality outcomes.
Engaged Staff
Creating the Culture - Reducing Turnover